My themed birthday tradition started last year and since then I always plan ahead for my celebration day. This year is far different from my previous celebration. Yes, I have always loved pink, candies and cupcakes but I decided go spice up my celebration a little this year. We just moved to our new house and I love how my mother decorated everything to look medieval-ish or vintage.
I think spending my birthday in our new home would be exciting. I neglected the use of pink and everything frill. I decided to go for a motivational celebration.
I chose to go for a travel themed birthday. I chose “travel” because I like to be reminded of my goal of going to places, exploring the Philippines and eventually, tour the world. I promised my self that this year would be a start of my travel journey. I don’t expect to see all these places too soon, it won’t be that easy. Besides, there won’t be any places left to explore if I have been everywhere would there? 😀
I have to take it slow but take a step to get somewhere. Anyway, back to my birthday celebration:
I planned everything as early as September. I planned everything including the invitations, decorations, streamers, post cards, etc. I kept everything simple and hassle-free as possible.

I used the simplest materials possible to pull this off. I didn’t have much time to buy stuff because of work. Yeah, I’ve been really busy.
I try to make everything work with the materials I have at home. I like keeping scrapbook and stationery materials since I was a child. I have a large box of art materials and special papers I keep in my room.
Since the idea is “travel”, the invitations were made as plane tickets.
I didn’t want the hassle of cleaning too much papers so I kept decorations minimal as I can. For instance, about less than 5 signs were posted around our house to welcome my guests in. =)
Our home with a tiny garden. Roses are starting to bloom. Just in time for my birthday. 🙂
Hello blog!
My birthday cupcake tradition never ceases. Cupcake toppers are cut-out planes, globes and destinations I wish to see.
Here’s one of my Eiffel cupcake toppers. I bet you can guess what this means right? Paris has been one of my dream destinations.
I had to make a bigger version for my little sister. She doesn’t like nuts so she has to have her own.
I had a great time on my birthday. I would say I’m inspired to get out and explore the great outdoors. I hope I could look back into this post one day, smiling because what was once my dream has become a reality.
I wonder what my next year’s theme would be? 😉
Nice party! Where did you order the invitation tickets???