I am very proud to share how happy and grateful I am to have experienced being one of SM’s GTW Stylista Top 12 and weekly winners.

Earle for GTW Stylista

(Photos from SM GTW)

Earle for GTW Stylista

Announcement of 6th Week Stylista Winners published on September 3, 2013.

I just want to share a little something the day I became one of the girls who got the 6th week place. I was at my granddad’s burial the day they announced that I was one of the winners. Despite of the tragedy, the news helped me lighten up.

After a few weeks, SM GTW contacted me again to announce that I was a part of the Top 12. I wasn’t really expecting so this came out as a real surprise and a blessing in disguise. 🙂

Eaarle for GTW Stylista

It would mean so much if I could borrow a minute of your time and ask for your kind support.


Earle Hatsumy

A daydreamer who's on a mission to prettify things and see places. She documents every experience hoping to finish a style book she'd look through and laugh at when she gets old.

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