This could be one of the weirdest advice I’ve written in my blog. Weird as it seems, who knows when this comes handy. Even I had those days when I needed a diversion. Keeping yourself …
random thoughts

Gift Parody Review -110712
(NOTE: THIS IS NOT A REAL REVIEW. IT’S FOR FUN PURPOSES ONLY) (LAZY TO READ? SCROLL DOWN TO THE VERY BOTTOM) I am in entitled to critic some items which came to my possession last November …

My Everyday Planner
[Photos by: Earle Hatsumy] I’ve been using planners for three years in a row now. I realized I needed it because college work really gets me busy. I don’t fail updating or checking my planner because I don’t want to forget …

Featured on Polyvore!
I just saw one of my fashion post featured on POLYVORE. I didn’t know someone used my photos for inspiration to make this fashion collage. Thanks to Priscylarocha, the person who made this. Click here to …
“Having a small break from all the heavy fashion posts and stuff. Here’s something simple for you!.” Just a crappy photo I took with my digicam after our agency photo shoot. 😀 Play with the …
Pasyal and Stilletos
Sweet Chic moments while roaming around the Mall. [Pasyal and Stilletos photo by Dos Garcia; On photo: (Me) Earle Hatsumy and Bernice Millan]