To those who are very fond of PURIKURA, then this is for you! You don’t have to visit purikura booths just to get one because now you can make your own! How? By editing them …
Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 Articles
The Paperdolls Magazine
Introducing the first issue of Paperdolls Magazine! This is a layout I did for a graphic art project at school. The inspiration came from Popteen and Kera. Of course I decided to put myself on …
Purikura Fever!
I am deeply in love with purikura! The fun thing about purikura booths is that you can customize your pics the cutest way you can. You can add frames, use cute stamps, choose your background …

Beauty Beyond Frills
Lolita fashion is a fashion subculture brought by the Japanese during the 1980’s. It is primarily inspired by the Rococo and Victorian clothing. It had greatly evolved and appealed to young ladies, not only in Japan but all …